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Uchaguzi Bila Balaa: Empowering Young Adolescent Women in the Society

We hosted young women from Likoni, for our first Young Adolescent Women Forum under the #UchaguziBilaBalaa project. They were taken through topics touching their lives, relationships, life skills and general preventive measures as adulting women. They were happy to be part of the session.

This initiative, aimed at guiding and counseling young minds, especially in matters of sexual and reproductive health, resonates deeply with our commitment to building a healthier, informed, and empowered community. This transformative session was a platform meticulously designed to address the unique needs and challenges faced by young women in their formative years.

By delving into the intricate tapestry of sexual and reproductive health, our goal was to equip these young minds with the knowledge, support, and confidence needed to navigate this crucial phase of their lives. #UchaguziBilaBalaa, translating to "Election Without Chaos," symbolizes a conscientious choice to empower young women in making informed decisions about their bodies, health, and overall well-being.

In essence, #UchaguziBilaBalaa epitomizes our commitment to nurturing a generation that is not just aware but empowered—instilling within them the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complexities of their sexual and reproductive health.
#HisiaEmpowers #UchaguziBilaBalaa #EmpoweringYouth #ReproductiveHealth #BuildingAwareness

Fostering Peace and Unity Among Youths in Post-Election Scenarios

With so much ambition and aspirations to the incumbent leaders, youths, who were used during the campaigns, face disappointments when their aspirations do not materialize as they wished for. This brings anger which when channeled to the wrong side brings conflicts. We engaged the Bata Point Youth Maskani, Bofu ward, Likoni in an open forum/ talk tackling post election related issues that the youths played a factor in their occurrence. We addressed several issues including the mediation, peaceful coexistence within them and the community, current arising issues including security and tension of the ongoing demonstrations and other challenges facing the youth within Likoni. They opened up about their livelihood before and after elections, and how their political stance divided them. They were happy to put aside the elections related frustrations and as a maskani vowed to promote peace.

Youth are the backbone of peace within the modern community. Their participation and actions definitely play a role in the peace and prosperity of the community. We set the ball rolling for them as we agreed they will be the frontiers and ambassadors of peace within the community.

This activity was supported by @sfcg_kenya Search for Common Ground Kenya courtesy of the Uchaguzi bila Balaa project funded by @euinkenya European Union in Kenya


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