Our Objectives

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Nurturing Futures, Transforming Lives

Through targeted guidance and counseling programs, the organization addresses critical social issues such as drug abuse, adolescence, and sexual immorality, fostering a supportive environment for learning in schools. Emphasizing the importance of discipline, Hisia C.B.O strives to create a positive impact by mentoring youth through tailored career guidance lessons. Moreover, the organization envisions a future where community members are uplifted through income-generating projects, ensuring sustainable growth and support for both the C.B.O and its members.

Our Objectives are:

  • To provide Guiding and counseling on social issues such as drug abuse, adolescence and sexual immorality among youths in Likoni and Other parts in Mombasa County.
  • To promote discipline through guiding and counseling hence encouraging a conducive environment for learning in schools.
  • To mentor youth through the provision of career guidance lessons.
  • To empower the life of members through initiation of various income generating projects that would not only support the community-based organization but also the members.